The generator (or irritator) generates input vectors. ModernMRF134
generators generate random, biased, and valid stimuli. The randomness is important to achieve a high distribution over the huge space of the available input stimuli. To this end, users of1DI100MA-050
these generators intentionally under-specify the requirements for the generated tests. It is the role of the generator to randomly fill this gap. This mechanism allows the generator to createMBM2212-20
inputs that reveal bugs not being searched for directly by the user. Generators also bias the stimuli toward design corner cases to further stress the logic. Biasing and randomness serve different goals and there are tradeoffsDAC7801KP
between them, hence different generators have a different mix of these characteristics. Since the input for the design must be valid (legal) and many targets (such as biasing) should be maintained, many generators use the Constraint satisfactionLHI778
problem (CSP) technique to solve the complex testing requirements. The legality of the design inputs and the biasing arsenal are modeled. The model-based generators use this model to produce the correct stimuli for the target design.