Dental insurance companies divide benefits, services, or procedures into categories and refer to them with American Dental Association (ADA) 3-4 digit code. Procedures such as periodontics, endodontics,dental materialand oral surgery may fall into the Major category depending on your specific plan with specific fee schedules and co-payments. Many dental insurance plans offer free semi-annual preventative treatment. Fillings, crowns, implants and dentures may have various limitations.
The enrollment process varies but often members are assigned an identification or policy number. When dental treatment is rendered a claim for services is filed with the dental insurance company. dental air polisherUpon enrollment, be informed through the enrollee benefit packet regarding coverage and contact a dental provider and/or dental insurance company with additional questions about specific dental benefits. Eligibility of Benefits, or EOB, statements are most often then sent with payment to both the provider of service and the plan policy holder.
If you have been avoiding the dentist simply because you cant afford to go, private dental insurance can help you maintain your healthy smile. dental bursWhether you choose a dental insurance policy or a discount dental plan, having help paying your bills can ensure that you and your family are able to visit the dentist before a minor issue becomes a major one.