ATPG (acronym for both Automatic Test Pattern Generation andSGW30N60
Automatic Test Pattern Generator) is an electronic design automation method/technology used to find an input (or test) sequence that, when applied to a digital circuit,334AL
enables testers to distinguish between the correct circuit behavior and the faulty circuit behavior caused by defects. The generated patterns are used to test semiconductor devices after manufacture, and inTA8102
some cases to assist with determining the cause of failure (failure analysis. The effectiveness of ATPG is measured by the amount of modeled defects, or fault models, that are detected and the number of generated patterns. TheseM74HC373B
metrics generally indicate test quality (higher with more fault detections) and test application time (higher with more patterns). ATPG efficiency is another important consideration. It is influenced by the fault model under consideration,SE432
the type of circuit under test (full scan, synchronous sequential, or asynchronous sequential), the level of abstraction used to represent the circuit under test (gate, register-transistor, switch), and the required test quality.